Web Hosting Control Panel

Website management made simple and quick

Site handling has been now made simpler. The point & click Site Control Panel puts all typical website control duties at your fingertips. You can upload documents using simple drag–and–drop movements, control all the settings of your domain names and web sites from one single location, register and transfer multiple domain names, set up and control numerous email accounts, control email marketing campaigns, create MySQL databases, purchase SSL Services to protect your clients, etcetera. Detailed stats will keep you updated on all visits and activities on your web sites.

Web Hosting Control Panel

True Cloud Platform

We have designed our very own highly customizable shared website hosting platform based on the most recent high–end technologies. With each service (DNSs, email messages, databases, applications, etc.) handled by an autonomous web hosting server, your site content will operate in the cloud and will also be completely shielded against occasional outages and performance interruptions.

True Cloud Platform

Data Backups

Your website content can be recovered whenever you want

Not a single web site is shielded against hacker attacks. Your web site could be affected even by involuntary content deletion on your end. Thanks to our data back–up copy solution, we’ll easily retrieve all your site content whenever you want. Further than regular server backups that we’re carrying out, you can yourself create manual backups of all your website content with a click through the File Manager, which is available in your Site Control Panel. Just generate a ZIP archive of the directory(ies) you wish to manually back up and place it in a location of your liking.

Data Backups

VPN Access

Secure, private web surfing

In case, for any reason, you want to erase your cyber footprint, we’ve the optimal solution for you. With any of our shared website hosting plans, you will be able to gain VPN access and have your entire incoming and outgoing web traffic re–routed through one of our VPN data centers. And you’ll be able to take full advantage of the same Virtual Private Network settings on any gadget that’s connected to the World Wide Web – your desktop machine, your netbook, your feature phone, etc..

VPN Access

30–Day Money–Back Guarantee

A risk–free cloud hosting service. You will receive a refund in case you are unhappy

In case, for whatever reason, you are not happy with our shared website hosting service or with our help desk service, you will be able to make use of our 30–day money–back guarantee. All you need to do is submit a reimbursement request using our ticket system and our sales representatives will take care of everything. Bear in mind that domain registrations are final and non–refundable.

30–Day Money–Back Guarantee