What is Moodle?

Provided that you represent an educational organization and you also plan to make your instructional classes available online, then Moodle ought to be your number one solution. Moodle delivers a web–based education platform that’s made for instructors and researchers, who want to help make their tutorials accessible on the www.

For the sake of it’s specialised potential customers, Moodle is designed to be simple to operate by both professor and also the pupil, so that it can be more practical. That’s why you will find there’s such a huge community, focused on developing plugins and themes that broaden Moodle’s primary features.

Moodle is a trademark of Martin Dougiamas and is not affiliated with SuperFastHosting.net.

E-School Linux Shared Website Hosting Service Services

In case you administer a web based course for students, your site needs to be constantly available on the www, no matter how many pupils are seeing it all at once. At SuperFastHosting.net you will find dedicated E-School Linux shared website hosting service services with 99.9% service uptime, guaranteed. Because of this irrespective of what takes place, your site will always be available.

All our E-School Linux shared website hosting service plans furthermore have limitless disk space, unrestricted data traffic and infinite MySQL storage. To kick–start your academic web site, we supply an absolutely free domain name registration or domain transfer. On top of that, we’ll configure Moodle for your site the instant you register. Thus, after you log in within your control panel, you can have your Moodle site already available on the internet, waiting for you.

A Point & Click Site Control Panel

To make the administration of your Moodle educational portal a lot less difficult, we’ve made our very own tailor made Site Control Panel. It’s offered in over 10 languages and merges web site supervision and domain management in one location. It’s additionally designed to live completely inside the cloud and supplies performance and safety superior to those offered by other control panels.

Our Control Panel is loaded with 100 percent free functions and bonuses. Together with SuperFastHosting.net’s E-School Linux shared website hosting service plan, you get Moodle configured automatically. Using our control panel, you can install any one of more than 40 reliable web apps including Joomla and Wordpress with zero setup needed, due to our Applications Installer. In addition, you can employ our own Website Acceleration Tools to considerably increase the speed of your sites. Our Stats Manager will begin working automatically, without having to add any sort of tracking code to your sites.